The health benefits of wheatgrass are not limited just to that. It may also help in lowering triglycerides & high cholesterol, improving immunity and overall health. It is also said to balance the hormones in women and treat infertility. Wheatgrass may also be beneficial to folks suffering from Hypothyroid as it is capable of stimulating the thyroid gland. Having heard so much about the numerous health benefits of wheatgrass, My Husband and I have been experimenting with cold pressed wheatgrass juice for over a year 5 years. We have been using it for detoxifying and alkalizing the body. Initially when we decided to try out wheatgrass, we didn’t have the courage to try out the shots as we were not sure of how our body would respond to it. So we tried out fruit and wheatgrass juice. If you are wondering what is it even

About Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice is a beverage made with wheatgrass, fruits or vegetables. It is not as strong as the wheatgrass shots and is ideal for beginners. You can use your favorite fruits like apples, oranges, pears, lemons or vegetables like cucumber and tomatoes. Wheatgrass can be consumed in 2 ways, either in the form of juice or powder. We haven’t used the powder anytime as the health benefits are not as much as the fresh grass. Again fresh juice can be consumed in 2 ways in the form of Wheatgrass shots or with fruits. Below are some Faqs which may help you:


How does wheatgrass taste? It can taste slightly sweet or bitter, depending on the age, where it is grown, the kind of seeds or wheat berries used to grow it. How does wheatgrass smell? It smells like the fresh cut grass or the lawn trimmings. This is one of the reasons most people do not like it. Having experimented a lot, thought of sharing my tips on how to make wheatgrass juice taste delicious. Yes delicious! How to choose wheatgrass for juicing? Organic is best, homegrown grass should be the next choice. If you intend to consume for long time, make sure you use either homegrown or organic & locally grown grass. Does wheatgrass aid in weight loss? There is no evidence that wheatgrass helps in weight loss but it is great for those trying to loose weight. The nutrient dense wheatgrass juice helps in suppressing the appetite while it provides loads of nutrients like vitamins and minerals. So your weight loss program can go much smoother with 2 shots of wheatgrass juice per day. Does wheatgrass have any side effects? Yes, it does have some side effects just like any other greens if consumed in excess. Though wheatgrass is gluten free, folks with gluten intolerance are advised not to consume it due to the possible contaminations. People with allergies or sensitivity to mold need to take extra care in washing & cleaning up the grass. More Juice RecipesGrape juiceApple juiceOrange juicePomegranate juiceWatermelon juice

How to Make Wheatgrass Juice taste delicious

I am sharing only 2 recipes of wheatgrass juice in this post, will be adding more recipes sometime soon.

  1. Make sure you choose fresh and young grass to minimize the bitter taste and grass smell.
  2. Choose one or more of your favorite fruits for juicing. Our choice of combinations are Orange, apple and grassAsian pear, orange and grassCarrot, orange and grassPineapple and grass.
  3. Wash the grass well in ample amount of water. I usually sprinkle some sea salt and little water over the grass. Leave for 10 mins and then rinse thoroughly in a large pot of water. Drain in a colander.
  4. Do not juice the grass for long time, it begins to oxidize and smell stronger. It also alters the taste.
  5. A cold press juicer is best, but a blender too works well. The juice extracted in a slow or cold press juicer is not diluted so it tastes much superior to the juice made in blender Initially do not use more than 30 grams of grass per day. Later based on your tolerance levels It can be increased. Related Recipes

Recipe Card

Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 64Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 17Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 50Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 73Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 43Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 33Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 59Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 87Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 68Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 37Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 24Wheatgrass Juice Recipe   Swasthi s Recipes - 14